Introducing Twinmotion…

January 30, 2022

Schematic design really is the most fun part of the design process! At this early design stage (the second meeting in this instance) we’re exploring all kinds of exciting ideas. Whilst these renderings look completely resolved the reality is that they’re still very preliminary, but with the use of our relatively new 3D software (Twinmotion) we’re able to convey some pretty high level concepts in a lot of detail. This level of resolution is possible with such great software despite the fact that these schemes are at an early stage in the overall process and fundamentally our models are a series of simple walls and slabs.

Over time we’re able to go even further and add even more detail and accuracy to a scheme using these same tools, however these early concepts rendered in Twinmotion really help our clients understand how a basic plan can come to life from a 3D standpoint. Ultimately it helps them commit to an idea or direction with much more confidence.